facial hair fail

Congrats to the Duke Men's Bball team, which managed to eke out a slim victory against a school of which no one had ever heard and whose location everyone still doesn't know! 

Watching the game at Public Bar last night, found my view of the biggest screen constantly being blocked by the freakishly thick necks of a posse of Phillies fans.  The worst of these guys was a redhead (strike one -- unless you are Prince Harry or Conan O'Brien) sporting a scraggly, long, tufty beard.  It wasn't even a full, mandible-covering expanse of beard obscuring his jowls and sideburns like moss or vegetative growth... it was a localized, obviously groomed and lovingly maintained patch emanating only from the point of the chin.  Why?!  What would have possessed this guy to think this an attractive look?  Is he a wizard?  Gandalf the Ginger? 

A full bush of firecrotch on the face is not acceptable in any situation.


  1. hahahahaha love it! I am firebeard, lord of obstruction.

  2. "gandalf the ginger" - short, sweet, and descriptive. I am trying not to spit my hot tea on the computer screen.

  3. does that complete the set of Gandalfs?
